Saturday, February 26, 2011

Adventurous By Bee

Bee says,

adventurous is climbing the tallest mountain
running away from home and never looking back

wrestling a large hungry alligator in a swamp
living on a small deserted island

comforting a lost coyote baby
teaching a bird to fly

traveling the world
and being with a friend, until the end

Things That Happen At Night By Bee

Mr.Sun goes to sleep,
Mrs.Moon is awake
Stars can keep her company,
when it gets very late
crickets make their music,
the wind howls through the trees
the monster under your bed,
won't let you go to sleep.

Seed Project

I turned in my seed project one whole week early, on a Monday. But my science teacher waited until Thursday to tell me I did it pretty much wrong. :P
Anyway, I decided that I'd make a post to help out anyone else who had to do a stupid seed project related thing:
  • Watermelon= Dicot
  • Sweet Corn= Monocot
  • Sweet Pepper= Dicot
  • Lima Beans= Dicot
  • Wheatgrass= Monocot
  • Cantaloupe= Dicot
  • Tomato= Dicot
  • Chives= Monocot
  • Squash= Dicot
  • Pumpkin= Dicot
  • Chinese/Garlic Chives= Monocot
  • Bush Peas= Dicot
I hope this has helped you! Thanks for reading!